Graffiti in London
Visual enhancement through first-class graffiti art from the artists of GRAFFITIARTIST.
Graffiti in London
Visual enhancement through first-class graffiti art from the artists of GRAFFITIARTIST.
Graffiti aren’t just scribbles on walls, no matter what you might think. They have evolved into an entirely new form of art. Applied using specialized paint from aerosol cans, they can take many different forms. Be they big or small – London’s graffiti are so famous that people from all over the world come to experience the scene and get a glimpse of them.
So why not join in on the fun? Commission your very own unique graffiti from one of GRAFFITIARTIST’s graffitists and attract the attention and envy of all who see it. Make London’s streets a little brighter.
Graffiti as an art form has a colourful history in London. Originally vilified as vandalism and disliked for its often left-leaning political messages, it has garnered a lot of respect over the years. In spite of MPs declaring it a crime and vowing to rid their cities of it, in many of those cities it has become part and parcel of the local community.
Who, after all, would want to rid themselves of Banksy’s famous French Maid? And ROA’s black-and-white crane on London’s Brick Lane is so beloved that residents wouldn’t even let it be temporarily covered for the Olympics. Guides now offer tours to the city’s most famous graffiti locations – and fans secretly hope to be able to see an artwork being created.
The face of the city is gleaming in many beautiful colours, enriched by artists both local and international. Many Londoners celebrate the graffiti culture in the metropolis – or at least view it as integral to their surroundings.
Long forgotten are the days where most graffiti to be seen on London’s streets were tags or sloppy throw-ups. While those do still exist, London’s graffitists have evolved, creating street art in all different styles and with diverse motifs. To return to an earlier example: Banksy’s stencilled graffiti share little with ROA’s super-sized animals except maybe the medium and sometimes the colour palette.
There is also great variety in the reasons for the creation of graffiti. A large portion, of course, facilitates artistic and political expression, sometimes even simultaneously. But savvy businesses have discovered it as a very effective means of advertisement. This means that graffiti artists are now often paid to spray a chosen motif on a storefront or roller shutter. Landlords in London have also started to use commissioned graffiti to make their properties more attractive to tenants.
Along with private persons who also wish to decorate their house or interior living space, these are the clients that GRAFFITIARTIST relishes in working with. This appreciation for the art, for whatever reason, is deeply treasured by our graffitists.
Nowadays in London, we are bombarded with so many advertisements that we have become almost blind to them. We may notice them for a split second and maybe we even remember a particularly outrageous one. But we certainly don’t appreciate them.
GRAFFITIARTIST has discovered the way to change this: Make it art! If the graffiti you commission is beautiful and interesting, it will add value to the community and stick in people’s heads for that reason. It doesn’t need to be obnoxiously branded to accomplish this, quite the opposite. If your storefront is the most beautiful and unique in the street, it will attract customers for that very reason. And if a beautiful piece of art includes your logo in an unobtrusive way, people will know exactly who gifted it to their community. Additionally, it should be mentioned that even just the publicity caused by the graffiti might be enough to make you break even on its costs.
Our graffitists at GRAFFITIARTIST are skilled craftsmen. Together, we will create a beautiful graffiti exactly as you envision it – that will then go up to decorate your living room, your storefront or even your entire neighbourhood.
You choose the style. Do you like it photorealistic or do you prefer abstract art? Does comic-style graffiti suit your tastes or brand? Or would you maybe opt for something stencilled? The options are endless. A professional graffitist will spray your graffiti in any style you select and make it look amazing. That way, you will fit right in with the street art scene in London.
If you wish to impress friends, family, customers or neighbours with a graffiti that’s just your own, then GRAFFITIARTIST is your ideal business partner. As the creators of many a custom graffiti, whether commercial or private, we have the necessary experience to make your project just as much of a success as our other ones.